This is a report by the Technology Working Group of the BNSC Space Technology Advisory Board,May 2004.
Overview Of Space technology of UK
The UK has recently published two key documents that form the basis for this update to the UK Space Technology Strategy. These are the UK Space Strategy published by the BNSC and the DTI Innovation Report.
The UK Space Strategy presents a clear vision, to make the UK the most developed user of space-based systems in Europe for science, enterprise and environment. UK citizens will provide and exploit the advanced space-based systems and services that will stimulate innovation in the knowledge driven society.
Within the UK Space Strategy three key National objectives are defined:
• stimulating increased productivity by promoting the use of space in government, commerce and science
• developing innovative space technologies and systems, to deliver economic benefit and sustainable improvement in the quality of life
• enhancing the UK’s standing in astronomy, planetary and environmental sciences
These objectives provide a focus for Users, both commercial and government, the Space Industry and Research Councils. They effectively act as a high level market pull on which to base a technology strategy.
The DTI Innovation Report poses a new challenge for technology innovation. In particular it states that:
• The UK should develop a technology strategy.
• Implementation of the strategy should focus on disruptive and breakthrough technologies capable of significant impact on productivity.
• The execution of the strategy should exploit cross-sectoral and research synergies through collaboration.
The characteristics of space activities and their associated institutional and commercial markets dictate that the exploitation of new ideas is critical to meeting the objectives for UK Space activity. A cohesive strategy for UK space technology, responding to the Innovation Report, is a key element to achieving pull through of technologies from the research base that are market focused and enable UK strategic objectives to be met.
The objectives of the UK Space Technology Strategy are to deliver technologies that will:
• assist development of a competitive industry that provides space infra-structure and services to the global market
• create innovative products and services which provide the UK with strategic advantage (commercial and science partner) within the European framework (EU and ESA) and other teaming (e.g. bi-lateral)
• provide the enabling skills and technologies that advance key public services and underpin commercial and scientific objectives
The impact of this strategy will be to reduce the barriers to productive and widespread use of space. These barriers are related to the high risks involved and cost of access for commercial, institutional and science customers. Consequently, infrastructure suppliers take a conservative approach to the introduction of new technology. Development time-scales are medium to long term (5-15 years). In addition, customers demand that the technology is demonstrated to be operationally robust in the harsh environment of space.
The technology strategy therefore takes a medium to long term view and its implementation is focused through key technology themes, identified as critical to UK strengths in this sector, that will improve the effectiveness of UK investment and provide a platform for new, high value business opportunities. The measurable outcomes of this strategy are contained in the detailed business plans of BNSC partners, in particular DTI, NERC and PPARC.
For more details,click the below links :
1.Overview Of Space technology of UK
2.Rationale for the Space Technology Strategy
3. Basis for Funding
4. Technology Strategy
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